Be a dedicated member of the Ladies in Navy Blue and Silver!
Attend monthly online meetings, whenever able.
Participate in programs events, whenever able.
Host 3-4 events per year.
All events may be sisterhood/social events.
If desired, events can be philanthropy, fundraising, or workshop events.
Recommended annual donation to our UNCC DFL Academic Excellence Scholarship.
Send two members to the annual DFL Convention.
No individual attendance requirement.
No penalties/charges.
Continue to bond with Sisters through meetings, socials, and other events and programs.
Empowerment to engage in activities for personal enrichment, professional development, leadership, mentorship, philanthropy, and volunteering.
Balance with your personal life and other commitments by freely choosing your level of participation.​
Members who have donated and demonstrated Dedication in the Chapter or other entities may benefit from our fundraisers for traveling to Delta Phi Lambda's annual Convention.