Vision Statement
Delta Phi Lambda will be the Sorority that is recognized by universities and among the greater fraternal community for its progressive initiatives that aim to develop women leaders.
We, the Sisters of Delta Phi Lambda pledge to wholly dedicate our mind, body, and spirit to the completion of our mission. We will seek to improve the image of the Asian-American. We will achieve this by acknowledging and spreading our unique Asian heritage. The bond between the Sisters will set an example for others in the Asian community. We will set this example by displaying the Virtues of Loyalty, Honesty, Respect, Dedication, Integrity, Discipline, and Academic Excellence. We hold these Virtues to be true and will execute them in every venture the Sorority will undertake. Delta Phi Lambda will remain strong through unity, and our legacy will live on through the works of the Sisters.
Delta Phi Lambda’s national philanthropy is osteoporosis education and prevention, emphasizing the importance of promoting healthy lifestyles and behavior in young women. Osteoporosis affects people of all genders and races, but Asian women are a particularly high risk.
Our partnership with American Bone Health provides opportunities for members to become peer-educators. As trained educators, members can educate local communities about risk factors and preventative measures for osteoporosis.